Letter of Expulsion, to Lionel Bricnet Hanshi:
International Budo Kaikan Board
Kaicho Jon Bluming
Kancho Jan De Bruin
Kancho Eric Van Vaerenbergh
Hanshi Tom Madsen
Hanshi Marc Howes
Letter of Expulsion
To Lionel Bricnet Hanshi:
This is to formally inform you that of 01/08/2018 you have been expelled from the International Budo Kaikan.
This is as a direct result in interfering within countries that were out-with your remit, those being Switzerland and Italy.
This includes ignoring the appointed IBK country representative (Dai Shihan).
Attempting to influence the IBK politics within these countries, through establishing clubs, which did not engage with the country Dai Shihan.
Allowing those without the IBK to use the logos of the IBK in a manner that gave them credibility and status they were not entitled to have.
We have spoke and debated on this subject and given it the time that a person of your status should have, but the outcome is always the same, we no longer trust you. And without this trust, we cannot continue our current relationship. Therefore, expulsion was our only option.
The Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting section of the IBK is undergoing a radical transformation to bring it in line with Kaicho’s original ideas and wishes. We require people we can trust to bring Kaicho’s dream of true All-Round Fighting into reality.
We wish you well for your future,
The Members of the IBK Board.